A new coffee shop is brewing in the East Kensington section of Philadelphia. Forin Cafe, a play off of Latin words, is hoping to bridge cultural gaps and connect globally in their expansive new home on Dreer Street, inside the mixed-unit business complex of Harbison’s Dairy.
It seems only fitting that a new cafe would be open in what used to be a historic dairy plant. However, Forin is all about innovation and bringing together their community. Started by 3 friends Kyle Horne, Seth Kligerman and Will Landicho, presumably all Millennials new to the entrepreneur game, their mission is to promote and support local craftsmen (and women) as well as artisans. You can see various hats, t-shirts and mugs on display as soon as you enter the main lobby on the right-hand corner, and a seating area upstairs after you complete your order.
Currently, there are a number of local artisans, clothiers, and craft makers stocked in their retail section, including Paratodo, SCB Naturals, The Head and the Hand, Mother Butter, Frunzi Ceramics, Wynnfield Candle Co., and Shoutflower.
They are also going to be hosting a series of upcoming events that will feature and host local food purveyors, as well as local artisans and craft makers. These events will be aimed at showcasing their talents in our space. We will be promoting these events via our social media pages to reach the broadest audience possible. We’re also simply happy to help and support any local businesses in the ways that we are able to do so.
Local artists will perform within their space. The exact makeup of this is yet to be determined, though though Forin Cafe is currently working with their network to begin to cultivate some ideas as well as connect with local artists. They are looking forward to further curation of these events. Stay tuned.
Great to see more new businesses here
Hey, thanks a lot! We appreciate that!